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Re: Questions about blacklisting programs in modules and cra

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:56 am
by TheAPGuy
Thats all there are. I had planned to put more in but, moved on to the latest version of AP in testing area. 6.1.21 Ohh and don't use the slipstream command. We disavowed that. It was a pain to support.

Re: Questions about blacklisting programs in modules and cra

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:05 am
by Matt4495
I had not even found the slipstream command yet, but I will not use it. It seems like I can select part of a module to be installed in AP, will that hold over into the answer file? Some of the programs seem to be named with version numbers, will the answer file keep the selection between a Java or a flash player version update?

Re: Questions about blacklisting programs in modules and cra

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:09 am
by TheAPGuy
What ever has a check mark will be saved to the answer file.

Ohh you mean like V2. Yes... Microsoft occasionally updates the update to a newer version often without saying anything.

Re: Questions about blacklisting programs in modules and cra

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:13 am
by Matt4495
I was more referring to like Java going from Java RE 8 Update 31 to Update 32

Re: Questions about blacklisting programs in modules and cra

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:20 pm
by TheAPGuy
It saves your chosen file by saving the name of the box itself. So unless the names are the same (which it wouldn't let load) then you can't have a issue. Now if the update was given V2 but your answer file doesn't say v2 it wouldn't select that update to be installed. Ups and downs of making the answer file.

Re: Questions about blacklisting programs in modules and cra

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:23 pm
by Matt4495
By name of the box itself do you mean some kind of internal thing or just the text that the user can see?

Re: Questions about blacklisting programs in modules and cra

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:07 pm
by TheAPGuy
See what I mean... Open up the answer file in a text editor.

Re: Questions about blacklisting programs in modules and cra

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:17 pm
by Matt4495
I see what you mean, most of them are generically named so that they do not have version numbers in the name, but for those that do like:

Code: Select all

I am interested in how the updates will be handled over time, more specifically once version numbers change and how they will be handled once the software goes EOL. (I originally put EOS for End-of-support but that does not seem to be the correct term for it)

Re: Questions about blacklisting programs in modules and cra

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:24 pm
by TheAPGuy
If the updates drop off the MS servers then we remove them from the script. It won't matter that your answer file calls for them. There will be no error generated for the answer file calling for an update that was removed. Any thing not on the script will be removed by sweeper if its run. Sweeper tries to keep the release official. Sometimes we may forget to tell the scripts to remove a file. Sweeper takes care of that.

Re: Questions about blacklisting programs in modules and cra

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:31 pm
by Matt4495
It seems like we are not understanding each other, I only plan on using AP to handle software that does not have a way to automatically update itself via some kind of schedule, in this case when the computers are unfrozen with deep freeze to run updates. Flash player and java are the ones I am most worried about with this. I would optimally like AP to handle updates for 5 years, until Windows 7 SP1 goes End-of-support, but I do not expect any kind of time frame of support for AP, but it would be nice.